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What We Do

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To assist where we can to aid in the well being of people and pets.

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Achieve positive change in improving the lives of people and pets through funding educational and public outreach programs.

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Manage and allocate donated funds to assist in the wellbeing of people and pets.

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1. Support programs that improve the wellbeing of people and pets.

2. Promote initiatives that have an impact on the welfare of people and pets.

3. Strategically allocate resources to fund projects that improve the welfare of        people and pets.

4. Preferentially support activities that are difficult to fund, or that are not                typically funded by other granting agencies that have potential to improve          the wellness of people and pets.

5. Promote activities that enhance our visibility and long term viability.

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1. Work with individuals and welfare organizations to implement and carry on        shared goals.

2. Working towards the welfare of people and pets and a healthy                            environment.

3. Our sound organizational governance principles will guide prudent                    management of finances.

4. Compose a Board of individuals with diverse skills and backgrounds to              contribute to vital decisions addressing welfare concerns of people and pets.

5. Respect principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion and include                          changes to our organizational practices that consider these principles.

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